DOZ Fundacja dbam o zdrowie Foundation and Łódź Municipal Office joint forces to protect the health of Łódź schoolchildren
The DOZ Fundacja dbam o zdrowie Foundation, together with the Łódź Municipal Office, have launched a project to provide first aid equipment to schools in Łódź. Well-equipped first aid kits will be supplied to all primary schools in the city.
On November 21st 2017, the first kit was delivered to Primary School No. 42. The official handover was attended by: Tomasz Trela, Deputy Mayor of Łódź, Iwona Pabich, the school’s headmistress, and Elżbieta Łacina, member of the Management Board of the DOZ Fundacja dbam o zdrowie Foundation.
The first aid kits are well-equipped with wound dressings necessary to provide first aid. Each kit contains a large number of sterile dressings, elastic bandages and plasters in neon colours, featuring the image of a friendly squirrel DOZi
“There should be no school without first aid supplies, such as plasters, dressings or sterile pads, necessary to patch up cuts, scratches or burns. We hope that teachers will feel safer having access to a larger number of first aid kits, and that the colourful plasters will make children smile even if they accidently hurt themselves,” says Elżbieta Łacina, member of the Management Board of the DOZ Fundacja dbam o zdrowie Foundation. The project fits in with the mission of the DOZ Foundation, whose aim is to care for health and help those in need.
Having its roots in Łódź, the DOZ Foundation is happy to support and engage in local projects.
For further information, please contact:
Pelion S.A. Press Office
Phone: (+48 42) 200 75 94
Fax: (+48 42) 200 75 35
The DOZ Fundacja dbam o zdrowie Foundation was established in 2007, and in 2008 was included in the list of public benefit organisations. Since its creation, the Foundation has given out more than PLN 10m to charitable causes. The funds have been donated to the most needy: the elderly, single mothers, families with many children and people suffering from chronic diseases. Since 2013, the Foundation has been a member of the Polish Donors Forum. The Foundation pays special attention to senior citizens and takes steps to help them preserve a high quality of life and avoid social exclusion. To overcome the present image of a Polish senior citizen’s life, associated with loneliness, sadness, illness and lack of activity, the DOZ Foundation helps the elderly remain physically and mentally active and provides social assistance. See more at:
Pelion was founded in 1990 on the initiative of Polish entrepreneurs and with Polish capital and has been an important contributor to Poland’s economy ever since. Pelion commenced its operations as a local pharmaceutical distributor. Today, it is Poland’s largest healthcare company and one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Lithuania. Pelion’s services cover all market segments (wholesale, retail sales and sales to hospitals) and are targeted at patients, pharmacies, hospitals, and manufacturers. Pelion owns a broad portfolio of specialist companies that support the operations of its three core business lines. Through its subsidiaries, it manages Poland’s largest chain of pharmacies, is a leader of the Polish market of drug supplies to hospitals, and ranks among the top three pharmaceutical distributors in Poland. Pelion generates over PLN 9bn in consolidated annual revenue and provides stable employment to over 9,400 staff. It supports innovation to meet patients’ and customers’ expectations and has adopted a strategic approach to responsible and sustainable business conduct.