
Pelion's activities

Scheme of distribution of competencies of Members of the Management Board of Pelion S.A.

President od the Management Board Vice-President of the Management Board - Distribution Vice-President of the Management Board - Finance Vice-President of the Management Board - Development and Strategic Projects Vice-President of the Management Board - Digitalization
  • sprzedaż detaliczna
  • badania i rozwój
  • ubezpieczenia lekowe
  • zarządzanie majątkiem
  • działalność charytatywna
  • audyt wewnętrzny
  • inwestycje
  • HR
  • PR
  • sales to pharmacies
  • sales to hospitals
  • services to hospitals and manufacturers
  • pre-wholesale
  • cooperation with foreign wholesalers
  • IT policy
  • charitable activities
  • regulatory environment
  • IT infrastructure services
  • financial strategy
  • risk management
  • asset financing
  • legal support
  • tax security
  • support for internal audit activities
  • financial and operational activities
  • ESG
  • strategic projects
  • corporate governance in the Group
  • Management's Board Office
  • online ordering systems for medicines/cosmetics/products/services
  • online sales
  • digitalization and automation of processes

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